Just another Food Blog.
There are lots and lots of food blogs out there; I mean everybody who loves food seems to have a food blog. But I find that most of them ramble on and you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to actually find the recipe. I do appreciate a great inspirational story, but patience is not one of my personal virtues and I just want to get to that damn recipe. So I’ve decided to always lead my food posts with the actual recipe. Any stories I choose to share will be after that. Every couple of weeks I will ask some of my favorite people for their favorite recipe. Plus ... five food questions, some serious some silly.
So I’m first….
Chicken Sausage with Apple and roasted vegetables
2 cups of bread Crumbs (I use gluten Free)
1/2 cup onion, diced finely
1/2 cup celery, diced finely
3 cups of diced winter squashes (Acorn, butternut, turnip, sweet potato…your choice)
1 package of Chicken sausage with Kale (Stop n Shop in the organic meat section) Cut into bite size pieces
* If you would like a vegetarian version substitute the sausage for one cup of cooked quinoa.
1/2 tsp dried sage, rosemary & thyme
1 apple, cored and diced into small chunks
1/2 cup dried cranberries
2 Tablespoons melted butter
1/4- 1/2 cup chicken or vegetable stock
Olive oil for pans.
Place squash on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. bake in an oven at 350 for 30 minutes or until they are tender.
For the Stuffing
1. In a large skillet, add a little bit of olive oil to the bottom of the pan and add the onions, celery and sausage. Cook until the sausage is cooked through.
2. Add the spices and stir.
3. Add the apple, cranberries, bread crumbs and butter stir.
4. Drizzle with the stock until you get a nice consistency. This could take as little as 1/4 cup or as much as 1/2 a cup.
5. Mix in roasted squash.
I am Beth (a lot like Groot in many ways), I am the creator and owner of Real Agricultural Wellness, but you can call it RAW. I have been described by my children to others as a cross between Julia Childs and Joan Jett, which is pretty accurate. I love good food, I love to cook healthy food that tastes great, but only second to my love of food is my love for rock ‘n’ roll. I have spent a lot of my life with digestive issues and 5 years ago made some dramatic changes, which has made me healthy and happy. Now I want to help others find their healthy and happy. Check out my coaching page for details or connect with me via email Beth@rawhealth.life and we will get together to talk. This is my very favorite recipe for fall and winter, two pans, ingredients that are interchangeable and it can also be made vegetarian with a few changes. Enjoy.
Soul Searching Questions
1. Tell us what food best fits your personality. In others words if you were a food what would you be?
A hot chili pepper
2. What was your favorite food as a child?
Rice, soft boiled egg and a little butter…comfort food, my mother use to make it for me for lunch.
3. What food can you absolutely not live without?
Eggs, I eat them every day.
4. What food have you not tried?
Brain, stomach, intestines, etc. …and it’s not going to happen……… ever.
5. What food do you recommend that someone tries at least once in their life and why?
Fermented Veggies, does a body good.